The Importance of Reviews

Hi there.  Just a quick note from the trenches here.  I wanted to share with you the important role of leaving reviews and how it’s helped us to make an impact.

Note: reviews are just one piece of the larger puzzle of guardianship reform.  If you or a loved one is being abused by a guardian, report the offense to the appropriate governing body.  In Washington State that is the Certified Professional Guardian Board.  None of the information here is meant to replace legal advice.

Often, victims and families are justifiably afraid to post reviews or share publicly their experience with a bad guardian.  They may fear retaliation, further separation from their loved ones, or even legal action.

We put together a short document to guide you through the review process.  In our case it was very beneficial to post the reviews we did, we felt strongly that we needed to inform others.  For that reason your reviews must be factual and should avoid name-calling.

Our reviews help us connect with other victims and have exposed a much larger issue of guardianship abuse in the community.  We are hopeful they also help others avoid the terrible fate we experienced.

Here is our Review Guide